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Tips for Using Home Blood Pressure Monitors Effectively

To ensure accurate and reliable blood pressure measurements at home, consider the following tips: Choose a Quality Monitor: Select a home blood pressure monitor that has been validated for accuracy. Look for models that are approved by medical associations or regulatory bodies. Proper Cuff Size: Ensure that the cuff size fits your arm correctly. An ill-fitting cuff can lead to imprecise readings. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cuff sizing. Regular Schedule: Measure your blood pressure at the same time each day, as blood pressure can vary through the day. Avoid measuring immediately after consuming caffeine or engaging in strenuous activity. Rest and Relaxation: Sit quietly for at least 5 minutes before taking a measurement. Avoid talking or moving during the measurement. Keep your arm supported and at heart level. Multiple Readings: Take multiple readings, about 1-2 minutes apart, and record the results. Discard any unusual readings and calculate the average for...

What is a sprain?

A sprain or distortion is a joint injury. The natural range of motion of the joint is briefly exceeded. As a result, the joint capsule and the associated ligaments are severely overstretched. Cracks in the neighboring tissue structures are also possible. Bleeding and swelling are typical.

In most cases, there is a definite distortion trauma, i.e. an accident or an unexpected external force that leads to injury. A distortion can occur in any joint, but it is the most common

  • in the foot,
  • especially in the upper ankle joint (ankle joint),
  • in the wrist
  • and in front of the knee.

The whiplash trauma is known, which leads to a twisting of the cervical spine (cervical spine distortion), as can happen, for example, in a car accident when the head is jerked backwards.

Difference Between Sprain, Bruise, and Break

While the definition According to a distortion at a joint of a violent overstretching is concerned, at a bruise bruised tissue and injured. External force causes bleeding in the tissue (muscles, skin, tendons, fasciae), resulting in a "bruise". If the bruises are severe, the bleeding will last for a long time.

What causes a sprain?

A distortion is always preceded by an overstretching of the affected joint. In most cases, this overstretch results from sports injuries such as twisting ankle while running or a twisted knee while playing soccer. A sprained wrist is often the result of uncontrolled falls. Risk factors are unfamiliar or highly stressful movements, as they can occur in sports through the influence of other players.

In addition, genetic stress can lead to a greater risk of injury. For example, in people with weak ligaments, muscle weakness or hollow feet. In these cases, the holding apparatus of the joints is naturally weakened, which increases the susceptibility to sprains.

Video: stretching yes or no?

There are many unanswered questions when it come to stretching: before or after exercise? Dynamic or Static? Does stretching do anything at all? A sports orthopedist provides the right answers.

These symptoms indicate a sprain

Identifying a sprain is not difficult. The following symptoms are typical:

  • Severe pain occurs immediately after the accident .
  • The area around the joint turns blue and there is a bruise from injured blood vessels.
  • swelling occurs, which can be stronger or weaker depending on the degree of the injury.
  • The joint can only be loaded to a very limited extent .
  • The mobility of the joint for turning decreases .

How does an examination work for a sprain?

The examination of the sprained joint is carried out in three stages.

  • On the one hand, the anamnesis discussion with the patient is part of it. This explains how the accident came about and what immediate measures were taken.
  • On the other hand, an examination of the affected joint takes place. The focus is on careful palpation , through which the sensitivity to pressure and the mobility of the joint is checked.
  • As a rule, an imaging procedure such as an ultrasound examination or the creation of x-rays is also used to diagnose a distortion . In this way, deeper injuries such as a torn ligament or on the bone can be discovered.

Treatment for a sprain

Treating a sprain can be broken down into two phases. On the one hand, there are immediate measures that can often still take place at the scene of the accident. On the other hand, it is about further treatment by the doctor.

What should I do immediately if I have a sprain?

It does not matter whether it is a sprain on the ankle, knee or finger - in all cases it is important to take immediate measures as quickly as possible. The so-called PECH formula applies here. The letters stand for the following methods:

  • P for break : It is about immediate relief and immobilization of the joint. In the event of a sports accident, the sporting activity must be stopped. Further exposure can make the sprain worse. 
  • E for ice: Cooling reduces bruising and swelling caused by the sprain. You can use ice packs or cold compresses for cooling. But be careful: the ice should not come into direct contact with the skin, it can cause frostbite. For example, wrap ice cubes in a cloth or use an ice spray.
  • C for compression : A bandage that is not too tight (compression bandage) ensures that bleeding does not spread in the tissue and provides the joint with stability. In addition, an analgesic ointment can be applied to the joint under the bandage in the event of a sprain.
  • H for elevation: By elevation, for example of the foot in the event of an ankle sprain, you reduce the consequences of the injury. Less blood flows into the injured joint and bleeding is reduced.

Home remedies can also be used for measures according to the PECH formula, for example for an ankle sprain. When cooling, wet compresses are possible and arnica ointment can help against the pain.

These measures can be carried out by the injured person or by someone present. An exception is a distortion of the cervical spine. In this case, in addition to immobilization, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

What is the next step in the treatment of a distortion?

It is advisable to have a doctor examine the sprained joint. The doctor determines whether the joint is flexible enough for the injury or whether ligaments have torn. As a rule, conservative treatment without surgery is sufficient for a distortion.

This includes immobilizing the joint, depending on the severity of the injury, for example with an elastic bandage, an orthosis or a plaster cast. It is also advisable to take painkillers . Additional ultrasound or electrotherapy can support the healing process.

In the further course of the treatment, the immobilized joint should be mobilized again in order to restore the original mobility. This can be done with physiotherapy in conjunction with independent mobility exercises.

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